I’ve always heard that 40 is fabulous and I have to agree…it truly is…at least so far! As I write this, I’ve only been 40 for a hot minute but I knew before today even came that I was going to embrace my new age and look forward to a brand new decade ahead…a decade in my 40’s….WHOA, that just got real! Eeeekkk…I’m 40 y’all, WOW!
This year has been an eye opener in so many ways…life can change in a heart beat (as we all know), nothing is ever guaranteed, and life is so precious. I’m so very grateful for the life I have been blessed with, for the amazing family and friends that I have, and for my health and well being.
I cherish each and every day and I look forward to many more life experiences with family and friends in this brand new decade! I’m alive, well, happy, healthy and ready to take on this exciting new chapter of the book that God so lovingly wrote for me.
In celebration of this milestone birthday, I thought it would be fun to share 40 things about me that you may or may not know…so here goes!
- Carolina girl…born and raised
- 1 brother and 1 sister
- cheerleader from pee wee football through high school
- softball player from t-ball through high school
- pageant girl from the age of 13 through 21
- clogger – my Paw Paw taught me
- raised Presbyterian
- favorite show as a kid was Full House
- favorite show in my tween years was Saved by the Bell
- favorite country singer growing up was Tim McGraw
- favorite music genre growing up was hip hop – still is
- love to dance…dancing to hip hop music is my favorite
- 1st job was working at Things Remembered at the mall
- lifeguard through high school
- celebrity crush has always been Brad Pitt
- 1st flight ever was to New York City when in HS
- Clemson University honors graduate
- went to Clemson for the pre veterinarian program…I always wanted to be a Veterinarian
- Kappa Kappa Gamma
- Miss Clemson 2000
- first job out of college was as a Store Analyst for a women’s apparel company in Charlotte, NC
- skydived for my 21st birthday
- met Peter while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC
- have lived in Newport Beach, CA, Phoenix, AZ and now Nashville, TN
- got engaged in Palm Springs, CA…married in Charlotte, NC
- first dance at wedding was to It’s Your Love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
- honeymooned in Tahiti
- favorite vacation spot is anywhere in the Caribbean
- favorite food…Mexican…guacamole is my JAM
- least favorite…mayonnaise and pimento cheese
- my nicknames are Sizzle, Bianca (after a few margaritas) and Beyonce
- favorite movies are Pretty Woman & Dirty Dancing
- have had 3 English Springer Spaniels…Clemson was our first baby and we now have our sweet girls Cali & Carolina
- favorite tv shows…Game of Thrones, The Office, This is Us
- have read all of the Harry Potter books and am a big fan
- have ran a half marathon and haven’t really ran since
- claustrophobic when anything is too close to or tight around my face
- daydream of living on a small farm and having lots of animals or having a retreat at the beach
- love to sing but can’t carry a tune
- loves of my life…Peter who I have been married to for 14 years and my babies Reins who is 10 and Addison who is 8
My best advice to you…embrace your age and be thankful for every day that you have! Surround yourself by those who love and cherish you for who you are. Stay focused on what’s truly important in life and your life will be so rich and so fullfilled.
Here’s to a great year ahead, here’s to being confident at 40, here’s to all of the 1980’s babies out there…CHEERS!
*Cake is from Copper Whisk Cakes and marquee letters are from Alpha Lit Nashville

Happy birthday!
I love the dress and jewelry! Where’d u get it please 😘
Happy 40th! Wishing you many wonderful moments! Enjoy this time. You look stunning!
Happy birthday 🥳 girl ! I am 41 and really was having a hard time embracing this age but you make it seem easy . It’s time to celebrate !!!