This post in in partnership with CoolSculpting. All statements made here are accurate, honest, and based on my individual experience with CoolSculpting…individual results may vary. Thank you for supporting the brands that support KBStyled.
Twelve weeks ago, I had CoolSculpting for the first time. I’ve been documenting my journey and today I’m excited to share my 12 week post treatment update! If you missed my first post where I shared more about CoolSculpting, my decision to get CoolSculpting, and my experience receiving this treatment at Dr. Brian S. Biesman’s office, you can read more HERE.
For the first week or so after my initial treatment, I was fairly swollen and the areas that were treated were still numb. As the swelling started to subside, I quickly noticed a subtle difference at around week 3. Right around 6 weeks post treatment, I noticed that my abdomen looked and felt more sculpted. The biggest difference, beyond a noticeable change in my physical appearance, was that that my clothes were fitting better. The weather was cooling off around this time and I started wearing more jeans. It was so nice to feel more sculpted and to feel as if my denim was no longer cutting into the sides of my abdomen. Slipping on jeans, dresses, and other pieces of clothing that fit better than before was amazing! It takes 12 weeks to see your full results but I was so pleased, 6 weeks post treatment and I felt that I was progressing just as I should have been.
Now that I am 12 weeks post treatment, I’m happy to report that I am beyond pleased with my results! From 6 to 12 weeks, I noticed a subtle change in my more sculpted abdomen and I continued to feel more lean. My clothes continue to fit well and I’m feeling even more confident. I’ve truly enjoyed wearing more form fitting pieces like this black jumpsuit, which hugs my curves and accentuates my more sculpted abdomen!
I chose to get CoolSculpting because I truly wanted to get rid of some stubborn pockets of fat and have a more sculpted abdomen! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine is important as well to achieve optimum results. If you have a bit of stubborn fat that you’d like to get rid of and you are looking to achieve a more sculpted figure, CoolSculpting is a great option to help you achieve those goals. I’m so glad that I decided to get CoolSculpting…I’ve had such a positive experience and have been looking forward to sharing more about my overall experience with all of you.
As always, I’m here to answer any questions that you may have. I’ve received a lot of messages with a variety of questions and I will continue to answer those questions honestly and provide you with details on my personal experience. I encourage you to ask questions…in my opinion, it’s always best to have first hand knowledge from someone who has experienced CoolSculpting in order to make the best decision for yourself.
I also encourage you to visit CoolScuplting’s website to learn more:
Thank you for allowing me to share my personal experiences with you! I appreciate your ongoing support!
I’ll see you back here real soon!
Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson