*Today’s post is in partnership with Minted.
Photography by Madi Flournoy Henderson
“Dominant Spirit” || “Cactus at Sunset” || “Rusty Patina” || “Tropical Still Life” || “From a Table in Carolina” || “Happy Inside”
This time last year, we were house hunting and we were under contract for a different home. After many sleepless nights and much negotiation, we decided to back out of the contract and continue our new home search. This decision ended up being THE BEST decision we could have possibly made.
Not too long after we were back in the market, the most perfect home was listed and within hours we not only saw the home but we put in an offer and it was accepted, YAY! Everything worked out just as it was supposed to and we found the right home for our family. Pretty sure I was reminded every day that patience and faith was so important to maintain in stressful times.
I share all of this because we are approaching almost 1 year since we closed and moved into our new home! Boy has this past year flown by. We remember everything as if it were yesterday and we feel so fortunate to have had one AMAZING year together as a family in a home that we love so much…our home!
It has taken us a while to decorate and decide on furniture and other pieces, such as artwork, that we want for our home. We decided early on that we would take our time and not buy things just to fill space…we would be selective and deliberate with our purchases.
We still have a long way to go but we are making progress and we just love how it is all coming together!
Family photos, art on the walls, and accessories have helped make our home feel more “homey”. Minted has been my go-to destination for artwork…I love their selection and the variety of prints and frames that they offer. I’m pretty certain artwork from Minted will adorn many of the walls in our home.
Two of my favorite recent additions are “Dominant Spirit” and “Cactus at Sunset”. I absolutely adore horses (no I don’t have one but hope to one day) and I’ve always wanted a beautiful art print in our home. “Dominant Spirit” was my favorite from Minted and I’ve named her Lola!
I also picked “Cactus at Sunset” as it is a nod to our time living in Phoenix, AZ before we moved to Nashville. We lived in Phoenix for 5 years and both of our children were born there so it has a special place in our hearts.
There are just so many prints that I love and I cannot wait to pick out more Minted artwork for other rooms in our home! I’m already deciding on which room I will work on next. We have a library and I envision and entire wall covered in art so I’m thinking I need to start adding one piece at a time.
If you are looking for artwork for your home, you must check out Minted. I’m certain you will find pieces that will also be perfect to adorn the walls of your home!
As always, thanks so much for stopping by…hope you have a great day!