This time of year means different things for different people and for me, I can sum it up in two words…FAITH & FAMILY. Spending time with our family has always been important but seems to become even more important with each passing year and each passing holiday. Christmas is a time for us to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and a time for us to focus on our little family and our loved ones.
Holidays are constant reminders of whats truly important in life…we are reminded that our children are growing up so quickly and time passes in the blink of an eye. Reins and Addison won’t stay little forever and we truly try and cherish these years (these moments) by always being present, living in the moment, and maintaining focus on one another. These things are something we can all do more of. I’ll never forget the first time I heard the saying that “Today is a gift…thats why we call it the present”. This is so very true…we don’t know what tomorrow brings so living in the present is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family.
I have been so excited to share some of our family photos (maybe I’ve overshared) BUT this is a place for me to always come back to and remember this post, these pictures, and what I was feeling as I typed words onto this page. Its also a way for me to share a bit more of my world with my family, friends, and those of you who come here to KBStyled for inspiration. Those of you who come here regularly are considered “my friends” and it warms my heart to be able to share bits of my life (our life) with you. So thank you for letting me overshare and be a proud wife and proud Momma for a moment.
Whatever this time of year means to you, I wish you nothing but the best and I hope the best comes with many blessings. The holidays can be tough for some and I recognize that…I do hope that you can find hope and peace should you need more of that in your life right now. Allow this season to offer renewal and a bright outlook for your future. The holidays are a time of hope for us as well and the New Year often time brings a new perspective and a clean slate. We remain optimistic and we look forward to what the future holds for our little family. Our hearts are at peace this holiday season and we are beyond grateful to all be happy and healthy…most importantly, to be together.
Merry Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate and I hope you enjoy love, peace, hope, and happiness during this season. Many blessings to all of you. God bless!
I appreciate each and every one of you…see you back here real soon!

Hi! Where did you purchase the furry cardigan in your holiday photos?