Let’s chat…how do you inspire kindness?! As parents, we place a lot of emphasis on kindness and we are continually teaching Reins and Addison about kindness and how to show kindness to one another and to others. We’ve also taught them that small (or large) acts of kindness can make a big difference in someones life. They know what it feels like to be both on the receiving and the giving end of a good dead and they both agree how happy spreading kindness makes them feel. As an adult, it truly makes me happy too!!! We lead by example and I hope they will always follow our lead.
Sharing important messages with you all is also important to me. I like to get involved and make a difference, and I hope you do too. I recently learned about a new social-good lifestyle brand called Inspire Kindness and I was immediately drawn to its mission to amplify the power of kindness through the things that we do, words that we say, and clothes that we wear.
Inspire Kindness is committed to keeping kindness top of mind with products that spread the message and inspiring stories that transform the way we approach everyday life.
After learning more about Inspire Kindness, it got me thinking of additional ways that I can get Reins and Addison involved in spreading (and inspiring) kindness too. So, Addison and I spent an afternoon together assembling brown bags of food & water to serve the homeless here at home. Often times we pass homeless men and women when driving around our city and we always wish that we had food & water to hand out to them.
We had a wonderful time putting these bags together and we had a thoughtful conversation about the difference that this small act of kindness will hopefully have on the lives of these men and women. Addison certainly felt special doing something for others and I was so very proud of her for spending the time with me doing this. You’re never too young to spark change!
We will take a few of these bags each time that we head out together as a family and when we pass a homeless man or woman, we will spread kindness by handing out one of these bags. This is a very simple and inexpensive way to spread kindness in your own city and get your children (if you have them) involved as well!
There are other ways that you can participate as well. Inspire Kindness is a movement…not just a saying! Be more mindful and intentional each and every day and wear positive messages to help spread the word!
Inspire Kindness offers inspirational apparel, accessories, and gifts. What’s even more cool is that 10% of net profits from their Inspire Kindness Shop supports youth programs through its Kindness for Kids Foundation, which teaches children the power of kindness.
Call to action my friends…it’s time to be more intentional about kindness! Get your kiddos involved too. Join the movement by creating a free Inspire Kindness account at www.InspireKindness.com and sharing your stories on social with #InspireKindActs! By joining, Inspire Kindness will help you remain accountable for everyday kindness!
I hope you will join the movement and help spread the word…now is the time to Inspire Kindness to one another as well as those around you!
As always, thanks so much for stopping by…see you back here real soon!

I love this!! Such a great way to get your kids involved. We think of these things often during the winter months when it’s really cold but neglect them during the summer months so I appreciate the ideas and reminder ❤️